Designated an Illinois Nature Preserve, Wolf Road Prairie contains several native communities, including mesic prairie, mesic savanna and wetland. It is home to more than 360 native plant species. The resident migratory birds, amphibians, insects, butterflies and mammals are too numerous to count. In combination, the ecosystem features of the site make for a one-of-a-kind natural area, unlike any in the world. The prairie remnant at Wolf Road Prairie is considered the largest and best quality black soil or mesic prairie east of the Mississippi River. The wetland on site is considered of high aquatic quality.
Plants you can expect to see in bloom: Prairie Phlox, Yellow Star Grass, Hoary Puccoon, Monkey Flower, Blue Eyed Grass, False Dragon Head, Prairie Violet, Pale Spike Lobelia, Meadow Anemone, Golden Alexander, Shooting Star, Prairie Lily, Prairie Rose, and more.
Tour guides will be Lawrence Godson and Rita McCabe. Lawrence Godson is President of the Save the Prairie Society and an export on its history, plants, and insects, and a 20-year steward of Wolf Road Prairie. Rita McCabe has been a steward of the prairie for 19 years, learning from leaders and observing its ecosystem along the way.
Please register for this free program presented by West Cook Wild Ones.