From West Cook Wild Ones:
Get a virtual, behind-the-scenes look at three gorgeous, Oak Park & Berwyn native gardens though the seasons. Learn from three outstanding home gardeners who have been experimenting with and observing native plants for more than 50 years between them.
• Adrian Fisher is a West Cook Wild Ones board member, Forest Preserves of Cook County site steward and rare plant monitor, blogger at and former sustainability coordinator at Triton College.
• Candace Blank is membership director for West Cook Wild Ones. She gardens on a lovely lot-and-a-half in Berwyn.
• Stephanie Walquist, co-founder of West Cook Wild Ones, has been gardening for butterflies for 17 years and is a parent of children who have been very involved in the garden.
MODERATORS: Judy Klem, executive director of the Friends of the Oak Park Conservatory and Laura Hartwell-Berlin, West Cook Wild Ones programs co-chair, will moderate the discussion and invite your questions.
WHAT YOU’LL LEARN: This virtual garden tour is designed to help you visualize how you can bring native plants into your own yard. You’ll gain very practical, hands-on information and tips that will inspire you and help you see how affordable and rewarding native gardening can be. While sharing dozens of photos and several videos, our featured speakers will show you how their gardens perform year-round and the fascinating birds, butterflies, native bees and other beneficial wildlife they attract. You’ll explore the importance of soil, spring maintenance practices and plants that can transform shady understories and other difficult areas.
COST: This program is free, but your freewill $10 donation would support current and future programming and grants that promote a healthy environment for us all.