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Lunch & Learn: Climate Change Myths, Reality, & Local Action

From Forest Preserves of Cook County:

Around the world, climate change isn’t controversial. Most people around the world accept that climate change is happening in nearly every country. In the United States, the story is different, and the intensely partisan nature of the issue has spawned a large climate denialism movement. This discussion will dispel myths, talk about how climate change will impact this region in the coming years, and what their organizations are doing to reduce the contributions causing climate change and how they are helping to mitigate the impacts of a changing climate in the Chicagoland region. Finally, this panel will offer ways in which Cook County residents can help in the fight against global warming and climate change.


  • Nicole Pierson, Moderator-Manager of Volunteer Resources and the Volunteer Resource Center

  • Rev. Veronica M. Johnson, Faith in Place

  • Jeramie Strickland, Manager of Education and Community Outreach, Openlands

  • Lindsay Keeney, Conservation Director, Illinois Environmental Council

  • James Gignac, Senior Midwest Energy Analyst, Union of Concerned Scientists

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