From One Earth Film Fest:
Renew your support of One Earth Collective today and receive an invite to our special, pre-Valentine's Day Preview Party. Tickets are available to Contributing level sponsors ($500+) and above, along with Director level members ($250+) and up.
You will enjoy a behind-the-scenes look at the festival lineup, meet the 2024 One Earth team, and learn how to reserve your early-access tickets to our April 2024 Festival (out-of-towners can receive a recording of this event afterwards).
Snacks, sweets, and sips will be served.
Want to play a larger role?
If interested in hosting a 2024 film fest event, email
If you’d like to renew or sign up as a One Earth sponsor or member, and help us launch our 13th festival season, please consider making your gift here.
Please consider asking your employer or professional colleagues to become a sponsor or member to snag additional tickets to the event.
We hope to have your continued presence as a part of our One Earth community, and look forward to seeing you on the 13th!