Green Community Connections eNews: August, 2012
Today and tomorrow GHE is "Sharing the Green - $$$" with Green Community Connections. Please print the coupon and shop local, shop green and support GCC! Save the date for the 2nd Annual Green Living & Learning Tour. Also, it's time to muster our civil courage and get involved in leading our country toward wise sustainability choices. See articles on "Healthy Food vs the Farm Bill" and Citizens Climate Lobby.
Green Community Connections eNews: July, 2012:
Local sustainability news: Oak Park is moving toward smart grid technology -- too bad we didn't have it YESTERDAY! Three semis of electronics were collected at the Recycling Extravaganza! Re: Eisenhower expansion, resident states "It’s actually not a controversy: breathing IS more important than driving." 12-year old Illinois girl collects 150,000 signatures against weak, deceptive plastic bag law.