From One Earth Film Fest:
Irja von Bernstorff/2021/88 min/Environmental Advocacy, Environmental & Social Justice, Health, Sustainable Food-Agriculture, Waste, Water
FILM DESCRIPTION: Girls for Future follows four girls from Senegal, Indonesia, Australia and India who fight for a better future. Between the ages of 11 and 14, they are all directly affected by the consequences of environmental destruction. In the film, we see the global water crisis as it is playing out in Senegal. A visit to the girl from Indonesia highlights plastic waste pollution. A segment on the girl from India reveals the effects of the agricultural crisis. Finally, the Australian girl reveals the fatal destruction found within oceans and on land due to climate change.
Recommended for middle school+ general audiences.
Post-film discussion with Facilitator:
Marin Chalmers, Freshman at Oak Park & River Forest High School in Illinois, member of One Earth Youth Advisory Council
Irja Bernstorff, Director, "Girls for Future"
Sabyah White, Film Subject, "Girls for Future"
Sandra Henry, Senior Director, Energy and Sustainability, Elevate