The news is full of scary stories about disappearing species and shrinking biodiversity. But YOU can help solve this problem by simply planting a few seeds in your yard or community garden that can support beautiful and beneficial wildlife. It's super easy to do, and we've put together an exciting garden tour to teach you. Join us for the Birds, Bees & Butterflies: A Native Garden Tour in Oak Park and River Forest this Sunday, Sept. 7 from 2 to 5:30 p.m. West Cook Wild Ones and Green Community Connections cordially invite you to tour this carefully curated group of 11 private and public gardens. You'll learn how to get started, mix native plants with traditional ones, build a rain garden or even replace your lawn entirely.
For a taste, see brief descriptions of the gardens on the tour. Learn more about the tour and register now.
As in this video, at each tour stop, the gardener or a plant expert will lead you through the garden and teach you more about the beauty and benefits of native plants.
Tour Details
Sunday, Sept. 7
2-4:30 pm Tour: guided bike tour (space limited) or self-paced tour by bike or car
4-5:30 pm Native Garden Fair at Forest Preserve District of Cook County General Headquarters
Suggested donation is $7 for adults. Children welcome - and we've planned special activities at the fair for kids!
Look for our Tour Stop signs around town and join the tour!