
An Rx for Climate Change Anxiety

An Rx for Climate Change Anxiety

Each day’s news seems to pitch us deeper into the pits of despair: climate change action feels stalled, or worse, rolled back.  

According to the latest report by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (a body of the world’s most respected scientists from 195 countries), climate change is here, and it’s accelerating faster than many models predicted. What’s more, climate change will usher in catastrophic food shortages and natural disasters by 2040 unless we change course.

Action is the Antidote to Despair

Action is the Antidote to Despair

The election has ended. Donald Trump is our president-elect.  As a candidate he threatened to dismantle the EPA and rip up the Paris Agreement. As president-elect, he named climate denier Myron Ebell to lead his EPA transition team.

The Power of Film to Call Us to Action

The Power of Film to Call Us to Action

Films inform, inspire and change the way we look at the world, our planet — the Earth that’s our collective home. Through films dedicated to environmental themes, One Earth Film Festival, for the last four years, has inspired viewers to take action for the environment. Two people who gained inspiration from festival films are Sally Stovall, co-founder of Green Community Connections, and Pam Todd, co-founder of West Cook Wild Ones.