Native Gardens for Schools and Congregations
This presentation will include discussion on how Oak Park and River Forest schools and congregations can install their own native plant/butterfly gardens and be a part of the “Wild Ones 200” Native Garden Corridor in Oak Park and River Forest. Learn how to get involved, what support Wild Ones will provide and when and how to get started. Learn about native plants and why they are so valuable in designed landscapes, and how they benefit institutions and the broader community.
Pope Francis' Challenge + Week of Moral Action for Climate Justice
John Boehner, the Republican Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, is a devout Catholic. He has invited the last three Popes to address a joint session of Congress, and his longstanding wish has now been fulfilled. Pope Francis accepted Speaker Boehner’s invitation, and will visit the Capitol to address a joint session on the morning of September 24th.
Pope Francis' Challenge - Watch his history-making speech to Congress
In his encyclical letter, Laudato Si’, Pope Francis challenges all of us to reflect upon the impacts of our lifestyle choices and of public policy decisions on both the natural world and the social environment:
“I urgently appeal, then, for a new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet. We need a conversation which includes everyone, since the environmental challenge we are undergoing, and its human roots, concern and affect us all.”
Pope Francis Challenges Us to "Care for Our Common Home"
In June, Pope Francis released an almost 200-page encyclical, or circulated letter, with a decidedly green focus titled Laudato Si’ or Be Praised. For all those fighting climate change, this was cause for celebration as well as time for reflection. Below, local sustainability leaders of faith—Catholic, Jewish, and Protestant—express how this encyclical will impact their lives, practically and spiritually. Pamela Todd, member of Grace Lutheran Church in River Forest Gina Orlando, member of Ascension Catholic Parish in Oak Park Margot McMahon, member of St. Giles Catholic Parish in Oak Park Cynthia Klein-Banai, member of West Suburban Temple Har Zion in River Forest Richard Alton, member of Euclid Avenue Methodist Church in Oak Park.
Rev. Moss Kicks Off Green Earth Revival
To renew and deepen the commitment of the faith community to care for God’s creation, Euclid Avenue United Methodist Church in Oak Park will host an “Earth Revival” weekend. Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III, senior pastor at Trinity United Church of Christ, will be the guest speaker focusing on “Love God, Live Greenand Liberate All” from 7 to 9 p.m. Friday, May 1. The community is invited to join in this energizing and inspiring program followed by refreshments and conversation.
Walking the Talk: The Interfaith Green Network
As in all the great social movements of the past century, the faith community is taking a leading role in the environmental movement. On Oct. 22, nearly 40 congregation leaders of the Interfaith Green Network (IGN) met to strategize efforts to combat climate change in our community. Over the years, this network of more than 20 Oak Park & River Forest area congregations has come together toward building a vision and role for congregations in caring for Planet Earth.
Freedom Summer Teach-in Film, presentations & discussion
By Sally Stovall
In 1964 the Mississippi Summer Project organized volunteers from across the country to travel to Mississippi, one of the nation’s most viciously racist, segregated states, to conduct a major voter registration drive. This historic effort, which became known as Freedom Summer, helped to spur passage of the Voting Rights Act just one year later. On the 50th anniversary of Freedom Summer, this Community Teach-in will chronicle the progress of civil rights in the last fifty years and discuss the most recent attacks on the right to vote, which threaten the hard-fought gains made by the heroes of Freedom Summer. Full details are on the Freedom Summer Flyer.
Solar Chicago pools purchasing power and reduces cost 25%
Owners of single-family homes and two-flats in Chicago and surrounding communities can participate in a new solar discount program that pools buying power to make going solar more affordable than ever (25% off).
Take these three easy steps to get started:
1. Learn about the program: Attend an upcoming workshop on Thursday, August 21, 2014, 7:00-8:30pm at the Oak Park Main Library, 834 Lake St, Oak Park. Learn the basics of residential solar from the program contractors, Juhl Energy / Microgrid Solar, and have your questions answered. The event is hosted by Green Community Connections, Seven Generations Ahead / PlanItGreen, and the Interfaith Green Network. If you are unable to attend, find program details on the Solar Chicago web site.
2. Sign up, with no obligation: Register at the 8/21 event above or at Once you register, Juhl Energy / Microgrid Solar will contact you to schedule a free on-site evaluation.
3. Have your home evaluated. A contractor will help you determine what works best for your needs and budget and provide you with a written, no-obligation proposal and price quote.
October deadline: Homeowners have until October to sign a contract and lock in the savings offered through SolarChicago.
Help Spread the Word: More participants means a better deal for you and more clean, reliable solar power for your community. If the group collectively installs more than 100 kilowatts of new solar capacity, the Juhl / Microgrid Solar team will provide each homeowner with an additional cash incentive.
Euclid Ave UMC Solar Dedication and Sustainability Fair
Please join Euclid Avenue United Methodist Church and the Interfaith Green Network and a host of special guests for the dedication of Euclid's Solar Energy array and a Sustainability Fair. The public is invited to join us on Friday, August 22nd, 4-6pm, at 405 S. Euclid Ave, Oak Park, as we share accomplishments and works in progress in our journey toward reducing our carbon footprint and caring for God's creation. Refreshments will be served and there will be opportunities to socialize and learn about how you can make a difference in your congregation and home with sustainability initiatives including:
- An installed geothermal system which provides heating and cooling to our buildings and reduced energy consumption by 81%
- Use of permeable brick in our parking lot to make sure 100% of the rainwater is absorbed into the ground and replenishes the water table .
- The amount of trash that we send to the landfill has been reduced by increased recycling and composting.
- Butterfly Sanctuary: Children and adults from the congregation have planted native plants to provide habitat for birds, bees & butterflies.
- And most recently we have installed 99 solar voltaic panels on the roof that will provide 27% of the electricity needed.
Please RSVP to Dick Alton ( or call 773-344-7172) so we will be sure to have enough chairs and food!