Sunday, Mar 3, 12:30P /
Centuries and Sleuths Bookstore
, Forest Park -
Jeff Barrie/55 min
Kilowatt Ours is a timely, solutions-oriented look at one of America’s most pressing environmental challenges. Award-winning film Kilowatt Ours: A Plan to Re-Energize America is a timely, solutions-oriented look at one of America’s most pressing environmental challenges: energy. Filmmaker Jeff Barrie offers hope as he turns the camera on himself and asks, “How can I make a difference?” In his journey Barrie explores the source of our electricity and the problems caused by energy production including mountain top removal, childhood asthma and global warming.
Along the way he encounters individuals, businesses, organizations, and communities who are leading the way, using energy conservation, efficiency and renewable, green power all while saving money and the environment.
This often amusing and always inspiring story shows, “You can easily make a difference and here’s how!”
Jeff and his wife Heather share a plan to eliminate their use of coal and nuclear power at home by employing energy conservation, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. Through the Barrie's learning experience, viewers discover how they can save hundreds of dollars annually on energy bills, and use a portion of the savings to purchase renewable energy.
Kilowatt Ours invites viewers to help build a net zero nation, by conserving energy to the greatest extent possible at home, then using clean renewable energy to provide the electricity used.
Programming note: will be shown with Stories of Trust - Montana.