See One Earth Film Festival 2013 Official Selections below, sorted by screening date/time with locations. (See the at-a-glace schedule here.) Read the film synopses and view the trailers to start planning your festival weekend.
Tickets/reservations available now! Most events are free; suggested donation is $5 per film or $15 for unlimited films. As seating is limited we request that you RSVP by selecting the films that you plan to attend.

While we are making every effort to schedule each of the films listed here, sometimes problems arise that necessitate a change in the program. Therefore, please be aware that the films and schedule are subject to change.
Check back often for programming notes and updates.

Pre-Festival Screenings
Chasing Ice - Mon Feb 11, 7P (also Sat Mar 2, 10:30A at the Lake Theatre); Dominican University, Priory Auditorium: 7200 West Division Street, River Forest, IL
Food Patriots (70 mn rough cut) - Tue Feb 12, 7P - FAMILY (also Sun Mar 3, 12P - clip only); Washington Irving Elementary School: 1125 South Cuyler Avenue, Oak Park, IL
Black Gold - Thu Feb 21, 7P (clip) (also Sat Mar 2, 7P) with For the Price of a Cup of Coffee - Thu Feb 21, 7P and Fairtrade Africa - Thu Feb 21, 7P (also Sat Mar 2, 7P); Whole Foods Market - River Forest, 7245 Lake Street, River Forest, IL
Friday, March 1st - Evening Screening
Green Carpet Gala, Pleasant Home: 217 Home Avenue, Oak Park, IL
7:00-9:30P: Speaker: Gerould Wilhelm, Ph.D., Principal Botanist/Ecologist of Conservation Design Forum, Inc. (“CDF”), with Young Filmmakers Contest high school winner, Lea Kichler's "Let's Talk About Water" with Declaration of Interdependence
Saturday, March 2nd - Morning Screenings
10:30A: Chasing Ice - Rated PG-13 - Lake Theatre: 1022 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL; Sat Mar 2, 10:30A - obtain tickets at box office or online at
10:00A - 2:00P: FAMILY PROGRAMMING - All at: William Beye Elementary School Auditorium: 230 North Cuyler Avenue, Oak Park, IL
Young Children's Program (Ages 3-6+) - 10A
Young Filmmakers Contest Program - Screening, Awards and Reception (All Ages) - 11A
Young Children's Program (Ages 7-11+) - 12:30P
Saturday, March 2nd - Afternoon Screenings
Oak Park Village Hall Council Chambers : 123 Madison Street, Oak Park, IL
12:30P: Waterlife with Stories of TRUST (OR)
3:00P: Houston, We Have a Problem with Stories of TRUST (PA)
Oak Park Public Library 2nd Floor Meeting Room: 834 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL
12:3oP: Designing Healthy Communities PBS Series: Searching for Shangri-La with Dying Green (Mature) Meet the filmmaker! Ellen Tripler will discuss her film, "Dying Green" with us!
3:00P: The Age of Stupid (Mature)
River Forest Village Hall Community Room: 400 Park Avenue, River Forest, IL
12:30P: Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives
River Forest Public Library 1st Floor Meeting Room: 735 Lathrop Avenue, River Forest, IL
12:30P: Split Estate
3:00P: Bag It - is your life too plastic? with The Majestic Plastic Bag - A Mockumentary and Young Filmmaker Winner: Sporktagion - FAMILY
River Forest Park District Keystone Center: 7920 Central Ave, River Forest, IL
3:00P: Play Again with A Forest in Flux - FAMILY
Greenline Wheels: 105 South Marion Street, Oak Park, IL
3:ooP: Bikes Belong with Working Bikes and Contested Streets: Breaking New York City Gridlock
Saturday, March 2nd - Evening Screenings
7:00P: Last Call at the Oasis - Rated PG-13 - The Carleton of Oak Park Hotel: 1110 Pleasant Street, Oak Park, IL
7:ooP: Black Gold with Fairtrade Africa - First United Church: 848 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL. Fair trade coffee tasting provided by Buzz Cafe, Oak Park.
Immediately following both Saturday Evening Screenings, an after party/film discussion meet up: "Last Call at Barclay's" - at Barclay's American Grille, 1110 Pleasant Street, Oak Park, IL
Sunday, March 3rd - Afternoon Screenings
Euclid Avenue United Methodist Church: 405 South Euclid, Oak Park, IL
12:00 noon: Ingredients: The Local Food Movement Takes Root with Food Patriots (70 mn rough cut)(clip only) - Program includes soup and bread meal sponsored by Sugar Beet Cooperative. FREE childcare for ages 3-10 with reservation: (see flyer)
River Forest Village Hall Community Room: 400 Park Avenue, River Forest, IL
12:30P: Stories of TRUST (AZ and CA) with A Simple Question: The Story of STRAW - FAMILY
Ascension Church School (Pine Room): 601 Van Buren, Oak Park, IL
12:30P: Surviving Progress with The Good Life
Centuries & Sleuths Bookstore: 7419 Madison Street, Forest Park, IL
12:30P Killowatt Ours with Stories of TRUST (MT) - FAMILY
Oak Park Public Library 2nd Floor Meeting Room: 834 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL
1:ooP: Pipe Dreams with A Wild Idea
The Brown Cow Ice Cream Parlor: 7347 Madison Street, Forest Park, IL
3:ooP: The Clean Bin Project with Working Bikes and Young Filmmakers Winner: A Wasteful Santa - FAMILY
Holley Court Terrace 2nd Floor Activity Room : 1111Ontario Street, Oak Park, IL
3:00P: A Sea Change with Stories of TRUST (AK) - (Mature)
St Martins Episcopal Church, 5700 West Midway Park, Chicago
3:00P: Soul Food Junkies - Program includes a healthy soul food cooking demonstration with Chef Marwin Brown - (see flyer)
Sunday, March 3rd - Evening Screening
Closing Event - All Welcome to Attend! Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 875 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL
6:ooP: Call of Life with Declaration of Interdependence
The views and opinions expressed in any film and/or discussion are those of the producers of the films and/or the persons making the statements during the film program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of One Earth Film Festival or Green Community Connections or any of their sponsors.