The third in a series of meetings between the Interfaith Green Network and representatives from PlanItGreen will focus on a pilot project for reducing energy use in congregational facilities and will be held on Tuesday, April 10th, at the Oak Park Conservatory 615 Garfield Street from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. The first meeting was a general introduction to the pilot project in which 15 congregations participated. The most recent gathering engaged building engineers and building trustees. The meeting on April 10th will focus on specific strategies for reducing energy use.
Gary Cuneen from Seven Generations Ahead and Kindy Kruller of the Delta Institute will be hosting the gathering. Vendors from Energy Impact Illinois, ComEd and others will be present to discuss specific programs that are available to congregations and their members. You do not have to have attended the previous meetings to participate in the upcoming workshop. New congregations are joining the each time. Please e-mail Richard Alton ( to RSVP.
Richard H. T. Alton