Sunday, October 23, 2011 / 3:00-5:00p.m.
Join Faith in Place and representatives from some of the congregations that have done the most ambitious green work in our area for this Big Green Workshop. We'll be hosted by Euclid Avenue United Methodist Church in Oak Park which will by then have completed their geothermal retrofit and the permeable paving of their parking lot.
You'll hear about their decision to go geothermal, learn about the extensive benchmarking of energy use by the Episcopal Diocese in Chicago, and then you'll have one-on-one time to talk to a group of vendors about all kinds of green projects you might be thinking about for your congregation including:
- geothermal retrofits or new construction from Dirk Dypold
- whole building programmable energy management from Scott Steiner of Summit Energy
- rain gardens from the Center for Neighborhood Technology
- low-interest loans and project management services from IFF for congregation energy retrofits
- energy savings monitoring services from Bob Rowlands
- The US EPA Energy Star program for congregations from Carolyn Bury of the EPA
Euclid Avenue United Methodist Church 405 S. Euclid Ave. Oak Park, IL 60302