By Sally Stovall
We have many trees and shrubs that are hard to find. Most nurseries and garden centers do not carry these plants. Order online by end of day on Sunday, Sep 24th at
Pick-up is September 30th at Euclid Methodist Church's parking lot, 405 S Euclid Ave, Oak Park, 9am-1pm.
Note: if you are unable to pick up your plant order on Sep 30 due to Yom Kippur celebration (or other conflict) please contact or 773-315-1109
We put together our top picks for your gardening interests:
Top 3 Picks to Attract Birds:
Pagoda Dogwood
Red-stemmed Dogwood
Top 3 Picks to Attract Butterflies:
New Jersey Tea
Top 3 Picks for Other Pollinators:
Black Cherry
Red Chokeberry
Prairie Willow
Top 3 Picks for Human Edibles
American Filbert
Paw Paw
Top 3 Coolest Plants (they're all cool to us, but these are hard to find, unknown, have something exceptionally interesting about them, and should be planted more):
Wafer Ash
Blue Beech
Many of these plants also offer incredible fall color.
We will have some native flowering plants available for sale on pick-up day: Butterfly Weed, Rose Milkweed, Cardinal Flower, Prairie Coreopsis, Prairie Smoke, Purple Coneflower, Foxglove Beardtongue, Wild Ginger, Dropseed, Common Oak (Pen) Sedge, Columbine, Wild Petunia and Geranium, Showy Goldenrod, and Sky Blue Aster. We are unable to pre-order or hold them. Please arrive early for best selection.
Sponsored by West Cook Wild Ones and Green Community Connections.