The Sustainable


Sunday March 6th 12:30 pm/ Ascension Catholic Church / Tickets

A light lunch will be served at noon, immediately prior to the films. Three short films (Bomb Trains on the Hudson, Backyard, and The Sustainable) will be woven together with quotes from the recent Papal Encyclical, Laudato Si, which urges a sense of integral ecology and care for our common home and common family. Post-film opportunities include a panel of experts in trains that carry hazardous materials, fracking in Illinois and updates on the solar energy field. There will be time for Q&A and opportunities to take concrete action on various issues, including local environmental issues in Cicero and information on socially responsible investing (Joe O'Krepky with Edward Jones). Facilitator: Gina Orlando, DePaul Faculty; Wellness Coach, Consultant, Hypnotherapist at Healthy is Wealthy.

Panelists include:Alexis Aurigemma, Co-producer of the film "The Sustainable" Lisa Albrecht, Board member of ISEA (Illinois Solar Energy Association) Stacey Durley Hess, Environmental consultant for environmental investigations and remediation in the Midwest. Dawn Dannenbring, Environmental organizer for Illinois Peoples Action

Justin Cerone/ 2015/ 22 min/ Architecture & Building

FILM DESCRIPTION: The Sustainable is a documentary about a couple in Upstate New York and their decision to design and build their home to produce its own electricity. Watch the trailer to see their home's amazing transformation and how this project changed their lives.