Vanishing Pearls

"Vanishing Pearls"

Filmmaker: Nailah Jefferson, Dean Blanchard

One Earth Film Festival Rating: 15+, Contains Heavy Themes

Tickets - Sunday, March 8, 12:30 PM

Wellington UCC, Church Sanctuary

615 W. Wellington Ave., Chicago

OFFICIAL SELECTION--Slamdance Film Festival 2014

After the film, David McClellan of Calvert Investment Management Inc. and Jim Verzino of Inspired Business, will discuss socially responsible investing.  

"Vanishing Pearls" is the story of paradise lost – an ongoing, environmental David and Goliath struggle between multinational oil and gas company BP plc (Beyond Petroleum) and a 300 person, Louisiana Gulf community dependant on oyster fishing. The battlefield is the Gulf coast of Louisiana, and the opening salvo was the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill.