Congregation green teams and other interested persons are invited to participate in a forum on Thursday, May 8, 7 - 8:30 pm, at the Oak Park Library, Veterans Room. The agenda will include:
1. PlanItGreen
- Present “Check-off” list for congregations, followed by discussion. (Gary Cuneen, Seven Generations Ahead)
- Break out session, regarding the critical topic areas:Energy – Transportation – Education -- Water -- Food -- Waste - Open Space
- Each congregation is invited to send at least 3-5 people from their green team to participate in different breakout groups.
2. Energy Impact Illinois
- Presentation of house of worship energy efficiency program.—Skyler Larrimore, Elevate Energy
- Case study: First United Methodist Church.
- Energy efficiency for private residences. And a congregation contest!
The community has been alerted to the importance of restoring the health of our environment, and as was stated at the recent OP Village Board meeting, “There is a lot at stake.” This is a good opportunity to reruit new members. Educate friends. Now is the time to make change for the good of all, together!
Please RSVP to James Babcock: or 630.740.0638 or Dick Alton: or 773-344-7172.