Submitted by Tammie Grossman, Housing Programs Manager, Village of Oak Park
Attention Multi-Family buildings with four or more units: the Village of Oak Park is accepting applications for the Multi-Family Housing Incentives matching grant program. Applicants may apply for grants of up to $10,000 to improve common building elements including energy related improvements or individual units. Grants must be matched 2:1 by the owner. For details, e-mail the Housing Programs Division at or call 708.358.5410. Note: The Residence Corporation funded some of their energy improvements under this program as well as the Energy Savers Program.
Get single-family rehab loans from the Village of Oak Park to restore your home. Apply now and finish construction before the cold weather arrives. No interest loans of up to $25,000 for single-family houses are made to correct health and safety issues and building code violations. We will also replace inefficient furnaces and boilers and install energy efficient windows. No monthly payments. Loans are repayable after twenty years or when the property is transferred. For details, e-mail the Housing Programs Division at or call 708.358.5410.
Attention Multi-Family building owners with 7 or less units: The Village is accepting applications for its Small Rental Rehab Program. Forgivable loans of up to $5,000 per unit are available for rehab, and an additional $2,500 per unit may be available for qualified energy upgrades. For details, e-mail the Housing Programs Division at or call 708.358.5410.